Urban Spatial
in Mexico City
For this ongoing research project, we are investigating the production of urban macroform in Mexico City, and the varied modes of life that spatial forms enable and constrain. The work combines several methods, including fieldwork (site studies, observation, and interviews), spatial analysis using GIS and aerial imagery, drawing and photographic documentation. Thus far, the research has resulted in several journal articles, a large portfolio of documentary photographs and suborbital images and collages, several invited presentations, and interviews and feature pieces.

Several pieces in this line of research were published in an ensemble of works on the Street Markets of Mexico City.
See the slide deck on Mexico City's morphologies, a visual tour of the urban fabric.
"Xochimilco: Peripheral Entanglements of Nature and Urbanity" Photodocumentary essay in progress.
"Stone by Stone: Urban Spatial Production in the Pedregal de Santo Domingo" Submitted to the Space & Society
"Design Highs and Policy Lows in the Making of New Public Space in Mexico City" (co-authored with David López Garcia). Submitted to the Journal of Urbanism.
"Showcase Politics: The Production and Distribution of New Public Space in Mexico City" (co-authored with David López Garcia)
Journal of Urban Affairs Oct 2021.
"A Walk through the Pedregal de Santo Domingo." Virtual tour and talk. Princeton University Program in Architecture, Urbanism, and the Humanities, January 2021.
"Living in the Diagram: Colonia Federal and Urban Planning in Twentieth Century Mexico City" Journal of Urbanism. December 2020
"Public Space in Mexico City: The Politics of Urban Design" Presentation with David López, Center for Interdisciplinary Investigations in the Sciences and Humanities, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, December 2020.
"Mexico City Morphologies." Streetnotes 26, special issue on The View From Above 2019.
"Colonia Federal, Mexico City" Photograph for juried group show
Barrett Art Center Poughkeepsie, NY, May-Jun 2018.
"Official Magic:
 Mexico City and the Planning Imaginary." Conference on Urban World-Making, University of Amsterdam
June 2017.